Scintillation Crystals

Hilger Crystals is a leading manufacturer of a wide range of scintillation crystal materials for X-ray, gamma-ray and neutron detection and X-ray imaging.

Crystal Materials Index

Bismuth Germanate

A relatively hard, high density, non-hygroscopic crystal with good gamma ray absorption. Often used for PET imaging and high energy physics applications as Compton shields.
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Cadmium Tungstate

A non-hygroscopic scintillator offering good light yield. Often used for CT applications. High radiopurity and low background.
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CLYC offers good Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) for neutron detection and better gamma-ray resolution than NaI (Sodium Iodide) or CsI (Cesium Iodide) making CLYC an ideal solution for several classes of handheld instruments, including Personal Radiation Detectors aka PRDs.

Gadolinium Aluminium Gallium Garnet

GAGG is a single crystal scintillator, offering Good light output, good energy resolution and fast decay time. Typical applications include gamma medical spectroscopy and medical imaging.
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Gadolinium Gallium Aluminium Garnet

GGAG is a ceramic scintillator offering high performance, high strength and stability. Good light output, energy resolution and fast decay time. Typical applications include high definition scanning and medical imaging systems
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Supplied as a sintered ceramic the material has high light yield and low afterglow.
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Sodium Iodide

The material is hydroscopic and emits at short wavelengths. Finds applications in research areas such as Dark Matter as it can be produced very radiopure.
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Tellurium doped Zinc Selenide

ZnSe(Te) is a radiation hard robust crystal scintilator offering good light output. good energy resolution and fast decay time. Typical applications include medical imaging systems and security
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Thallium doped Caesium Iodide

CsI(Tl) is a useful scintillator offering high light yield and emits at a wavelength suitable for silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). Typical applications include arrays of this material used in security imaging systems, such as baggage scanners.
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Thallium doped Sodium Iodide

Crystals are available in a wide range of standard sizes and configurations either as separate crystals or in complete assemblies. Maximum light transfer is achieved by employing a high efficiency reflector chosen to suit the particular application for which the crystal is required. Materials used are selected to ensure low background count.
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Zinc Tungstate

A high density crystal with good radiation resistance and low afterglow properties. Typically used for particle physics and dark matter research.
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Caesium Iodide

The material with the deepest known IR transmission, CsI is often used for components in wide range spectrophotometers. A soft material that is rugged and shock resistant, slightly hydroscopic. Doped with thallium, CsI(Tl) is a useful scintillator.
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Calcium Fluoride

Widespread IR and near UV application as spectroscopic windows, prisms and lenses. Useful application in the UV as Eximer laser windows.
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Lithium Fluoride

Lithium fluoride is used as a diffracting crystal in X-ray spectrometry. It has a large energy gap and its crystals are transparent to short wavelength ultraviolet radiation.
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Potassium Bromide

Potassium Bromide is one of the most useful materials for general purpose spectroscopic windows and applications where sensitivity to moisture is unimportant. KBr is the most commonly used beamsplitter material for IR spectrophotometers.
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Sodium Chloride

Sodium Chloride, common rock salt, is one of the most useful materials for general purpose spectroscopic windows and applications where sensitivity to moisture is unimportant.
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